No importa cuál sea tu edad, la Ortodoncia corrige tu mordida, maximiza la eficacia de tus dientes y crea una sonrisa bien alineada. En pocas palabras, una sonrisa perfecta.

Hace algunos años, la Ortodoncia era usada solamente en adolescentes que tenían problemas de mordida o de “dientes chuecos”. En la actualidad los tratamientos de Ortodoncia los usan todo tipo de personas que quieran tener una sonrisa casi perfecta, inclusive si son adultos mayores.

Como la mordida puede interferir con la alimentación y hasta el habla, a la Ortodoncia se le considera un asunto de restauración, sin embargo también puede ser catalogado como Cosmética Dental, ya que ayuda a que la quijada adquiera su posición original y así obtener dientes alineados y saludables.

La Ortodoncia hoy en día actúa en el reposicionamiento de los dientes, así como de sus raíces, proporcionando un mejor soporte para la corona del diente. El tratamiento de Ortodoncia, se asocia también con un tratamiento estético, ya que aumenta la comodidad y confianza del paciente.

De igual forma puede rejuvenecer un poco la apariencia facial, mediante la remodelación de la mandíbula y labios, así como en mejorar la salud bucal, ya que una sonrisa bien alineada, facilita la higiene bucal.

Orthodontics in Tijuana

Lasting benefits of Orthodontics

Improved Appereance

The most visible benefit of undergoing orthodontic treatment is the improved appearance and self-esteem that comes from a straight, beautiful smile! It is commonly observed and reported that improved appearance can help a person’s academic, professional and personal success, and that one of the most significant factors of appearance is a wide, bright smile. Having a beautiful smile can help a patient look and feel better about themselves, which can have a significant impact on every aspect of their life. Orthodontics is clearly worth the cost and time when considering what benefits are available, which can explain orthodontics’ increased popularity over the last few decades.

Better oral health

Straight teeth aren’t just more attractive – they’re also easier to clean. Teeth in proper alignment offer little to no room for food particles to become trapped and turn into enamel-degrading plaque and caries. Also, severe orthodontic cases can make certain teeth more vulnerable to injury. Improper tooth alignment can also lead to gum and soft tissue recession, contributing to periodontal disease.

Proper oral function

Orthodontics is one of the most comprehensive (and non-invasive) options for treating jaw discrepancy problems. Since we depend on food to survive, jaw muscles and joints will often adapt to bad teeth positioning in order to maximize chewing effectiveness, even if it means putting those joints into a position that can cause damage over time. Thus, having teeth that are properly aligned can restore jaws to their proper position, offering benefits for such far-ranging symptoms as jaw popping, jaw and chewing pain, migraines and sleep disorders such as sleep apnea.

Are you ready to improve your smile?

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